Weezer Pays Animated Homage to a-ha in Video for “Take on Me”
It’s official (and to quote a YouTube commenter): Weezer has ascended to living meme status.
The band dropped the video for their cover of a-ha’s “Take On Me” from their surprise-released LP Weezer (The Teal Album.) Full of animated callbacks to the original a-ha video, the Weezer video stars Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things) as a young Rivers Cuomo circa 1985.
Does this mean more videos from “The Teal Album” are on the way? Only time will tell. (Fingers crossed for either “No Scrubs” or “Paranoid”.)
If you haven’t picked up “The Teal Album” by now, you can do so in a variety of formats and platforms on Weezer.com. And don’t forget that “The Black Album” is coming out on March 1 and is available for pre-order here.
Erica Banas is rock/classic rock news blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.