DAILY RUSH – Casey’s Big Adventure Day 4

They are standing on a corner in Winslow, AZ. Such a fine sight to see. They are three cool dudes in a Subaru and they are talking to Preston & Steve.
You can follow along and see where the gang is at on the travel log.
Travel Log: Casey's Big Adventure
CaseyBoy, Jacky Bam Bam and videographer, Kyle Maack, are driving across the country in 5 days. They’re leaving Philadelphia on Monday, Sept 19th and the plan is to arrive in Los Angeles on Friday, Sept 23rd. [map]
Throughout the week, the travelers will be Zooming into The Preston & Steve Show and checking in with the rest of the MMR DJs, so keep your radio tuned to 93.3 WMMR all day long.
They’ll be making Travel Log entries from the road, so check this page daily for new stories, photos and videos. The gang is traveling in a Subaru Ascent and stopping at Marriott Hotel properties along the way.
Casey’s Big Adventure Runs on Dunkin.
The final blog entry:
Well, here we are, with the sun setting on our journey. Literally and figuratively. I will try to put into words what this past week has meant for me. First, I am humbled that the show chose to surprise me with fulfilling my dream. Driving across the country has been one of those things that appealed to me for so long and for so many reasons. I want to see as much of this beautiful country and interact with as many of it’s beautiful people as I can. I would love to share this experience again with my family. They are the only ones who could have made this experience any better! Having said that, driving across the country with Jacky and Kyle was an amazing experience! Thankfully, they put up with my with no complaint!! It brought me so much joy to watch Jacky and Kyle experience moments like, riding up to the top of the arch, spray painting old Cadillacs, watching the sunset on Sandia Mountain, the vast beauty and majesty of the Grand Canyon and the comforting embrace of the Pacific Ocean. I loved observing Jacky interact with all of America and how they all loved him, almost as much as he loved them. From the whole crew at Bobo Drive In, to the waiter in Palm Springs who was SURE that Jacky was a rock star, and all the people before and after and in between! Jacky treated all of them with the love that ONLY Jacky knows how to give! Oh…and spending the night on the Sunset Strip with Jacky was such a gift. Despite Jacky’s tendency to stick out like a sore thumb everywhere he goes, he somehow manages to blend in just the same! He was with his people on the sunset strip, and I stuck out like a sore thumb. We said goodbye to Kyle last night. As the final day together winds down, I am sitting with Jacky on El Porto beach, watching the sunset. I am happily reflecting on our week together. I am grateful for this experience with Jacky and Kyle. I am grateful for a supportive and loving family and work family. I am grateful that so many people also found joy in this experience. Being able to share this with not only Jacky & Kyle, but also with Preston, Steve, Nick, Kathy, Marisa, Nick Muphy, Connor, Chuck, Weston, Diane, Casey, Seamus, Avery and of my friends, family and the supportive listeners of WMMR, is a tremendous honor. I also need to thank and mention our amazing sponsors who made this all possible. The Subaru Assent was a badass, comfortable work horse all week long! We logged over 2500 miles this week, and the Assent was the perfect chariot!!! Being able to rest our heads in the comfort of Marriott hotels all week was a blessing. Being able to fuel up with Dunkin’ every morning was necessary. No way we get started every morning and stay running all day without Dunkin’ coffee and Muchachos!!
As I sit here and watch the sunset all I have left to say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
-Casey BoyThe wind down
After 5 straight days of driving, the boys a day to enjoy the sunshine and the strip:
I had to take CASEYBOY To The Strip to wrap up our Hollywood Nights for CASEYBOY’S BIG ADVENTURE! What a trip stopping by The Rainbow,Whisky A Go Go & The Viper Room!! @CaseyBoyCasey @933WMMR @PrestonSteve933 @Rainbowlive @TheWhiskyAGoGo @theVIPERroom #sunsetstrip #RockAndRoll pic.twitter.com/4Cz6Xj3eDU
— Jacky Bambam (@jackybambam933) September 25, 2022…then Kyle flew home and went right to work:
"Missing You"
While touring in Holland, John Waite dropped a shout out to one of his biggest fans:
LA Traffic Couldn't Stop This Surprise
Of course they had one more surprise up their sleeves. After zooming into The Preston & Steve Show, ankles deep in the Pacific Ocean, Casey, Jacky and Kyle jetted off to another stop.
Moments before the morning show ended for the week, they called back in from Todd Glass’ house! The comedian is laid up with a broken foot, but he hobbled over to his podcast studio to welcome the house guests. LOVE YA, TODD!
2,405 miles and 99 hours of travel, Casey, Jacky and Kyle made it to the Pacific Ocean.
THEY DID IT!! #CaseyBigAdventure
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 23, 2022
Watch @CaseyBoyCasey dip his toes in the Pacific Ocean: https://t.co/NDQLoLx2z5 pic.twitter.com/tFi953vKPXCross Country interview with Larkin Poe
Jacky Bam Bam is obsessed with Megan and Rebecca from Larkin Poe. By the way, the feeling is mutual. He was super bummed to miss them in Philly, so we had to connect him in during the performance. (full interview + performance here)
.@jackybambam933 sitting in LA traffic, interviewing @LarkinPoe who are in Philly. #CaseysBigAdventure #OutlawMusicFestival pic.twitter.com/1IBZcW2W5F
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 23, 2022Life Saving Instagram Lives
4 days in, these boys are tired. But they have very graciously admitted that it’s all of you hopping into their Instagram Lives that has motivated the three of them to keep going during the late night drives. This was a long leg between the Grand Canyon and Palm Springs.
Detour to the Grand Canyon
*cue Mr. Brady shouting* Baaaaaaaam Bammmmm?… Kyyyyyyle?…
Casey had a big choice to make while driving from Winslow, AZ to Palm Springs: catch the sunset at Joshua Tree or take Bam Bam and Kyle to see the Grand Canyon.
For someone who has traveled through the Grand Canyon before, the choice was easy. He took Casey took his fellow travelers to experience one of the world’s natural wonders. Just watch Kyle’s reaction:
Bam Bam finally saw his first cactus, and even though his new Chucks are covered in res clay, he’s wearing it like a badge of honor. See the full gallery here.
Here’s the cover photo, what should they name the album? #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/EqyDqJmrk3
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 22, 2022They made it to the corner!
They made it! It’s now 4 days into Casey’s Big Adventure. Casey, Jacky, and Kyle have stopped at destinations all over America. From Preston’s High School in St. Louis, to the Cadillac Ranch, and now Winslow, Arizona.
The hit the road before The Preston & Steve Show began to hit the corner before the show ended. 4 hours and 365 miles added to their 2,285 mile trek so far.
And there were surprises waiting for them on that famous corner. Listener Colleen works at the coffee show across the street and greeted them in full Mummer regalia. Full gallery here.
Golden Slipper surprise for @jackybambam933 on the corner of Winslow, AZ ☂ pic.twitter.com/DS6oHGxBou
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 22, 2022Early morning sing-a-long
They’re go-going before the sun 🌅 #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/qTJa0iRAVR
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 22, 2022Romantic Gon-dole-a Ride
Jacky & Casey took a break from driving for a sunset tram ride (or gon-dole-a) through the Sandia Mountains.
Jacky Bam Bam is a tad out of his element. However, the guys braved the cold, bundled up, and hopped aboard the Sandia Peak Tramway. The highest point is Sandia Crest, 10,678 feet, which meant it was chilly on the way up, but 100% worth it.
Here are a couple photos, the full photo gallery is posted here.
“Casey, we have to cook”
There’s a chance that Albuquerque was added to the map simple to fulfill Casey’s Breaking Bad fandom. You should have seen is face when he drove by the car wash! (it happened right after this IG live).
State #10
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and….
State #10.#CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/lDDvCUcli6
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 21, 2022Cadillac Ranch BABY!
4 hours and 2 pee breaks later, the gang made it to Cadillac Ranch by the end of Wednesday morning’s show.
🎶 ...gonna take them down to the Cadillac Ranch 🎶 #CaseysBigAdventure
— 93.3 WMMR (@933WMMR) September 21, 2022
Full gallery📸 https://t.co/kCW26eWOOU pic.twitter.com/O4lG9LYF3pHappy Carpool Karaoke Day!
Casey has been waiting 3 days and 1,500 miles to cue up the lights. So the party started immediately today!
🪩 Divas of the Road 🪩 pic.twitter.com/lgNqLSHJGH
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 21, 2022It made the Fox29 gang very jealous!
Jealous I’m not on this bananas road trip with @jackybambam933 @CaseyBoyCasey. Stay safe fellas!! @PrestonSteve933 #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/1S6dY8TAh4
— Chris O'Connell (@CoconnellFox29) September 21, 2022And it made for a great game:
A okay?
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 21, 2022
No freaking way! #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/kraGkcS4FKTravel log entry, Day #2
Getting up this morning was not difficult at all. Surprisingly, I felt well rested after spending 14 hours in the car with Jacky & Kyle yesterday. I was so excited to get up and see where Preston grew up. It was my idea to tour St. Louis instead of Nashville on day 2, and that was, absolutely, the right decision. The staff at Parkway Central were so nice, and the students were just great. Surprising Preston with his old band teacher might be the highlight of the entire week!!
I knew the next step of our journey was going to be tough…and it was. Sadly, we were not able to gain access to Preston’s old bedroom, but at least we were able to meet the worst person in the whole Midwest. The lady who lives next to Preston’s old house was just nasty and did not reciprocate the kindness and charm I showed her. Whatevs.
After that stop, we took a tour through the old hood and saw where some of P-Buds friends used to live, as well as the arcade and DQ he used to hang at during his teenage years. On our way to Presbo’s closed down broadcasting school, we stopped at Dunkin…because…obviously, we run on Dunkin.
We finished off the morning by taking a trip to the top of the Gateway Arch, where we ran into Larry & Matt from Delco and South Jersey. We crammed all 5 of us into a pod and rode up to the top of the Arch. It was AWESOME!!! I’m so glad we decided to go St. Louis!
After we signed off and made it back to the car, we took off towards Topeka, Kansas. I just wanted to spend a little time driving through Kansas, and on a whim, checked the DDD website to see if Guy Fieri had a spot for us to check out in Topeka. He did. We went to Bobo Drive In, where we snarfed down Spanish steak burgers, chili cheese fries, onion rings and apple pie. I couldn’t be any happier right now!!! We are currently in the car headed to OKC!!!After two "failed" missions, this had to work
Missions 2 & 3 of day #2 were quite a disaster. First of the two was to get into Preston’s childhood home and leave some mementos. For the record, Preston’s family hasn’t lived in the house for over 30+ years and knows no one in the neighborhood anymore.
The gang, which today includes Preston’s childhood friend, Steve, knocked on the door and it was crickets. Cars in the driveway, but no sign of life. Then the neighbor came out and no so nicely said that it was time to leave. #Fail
The next mission was to visit the sight of Preston’s first radio station and leave an old tape. Guess what? It’s now a heroin den. We knew the building was empty, but no one expected it to be boarded up and falling apart.
So the gang went for a guaranteed homerun at The Arch. Roll in, grab a ticket and livestream the whole tour, right? Wrong. After a trip through secrity, our weary road trippers sat underground waiting for the ride. But that was vindicated when Casey random met a guy from Delco in line. (5 points Delco).
The moment @CaseyBoyCasey gained +5 points for #Delco: Delco meets Delco at The Arch pic.twitter.com/VQw4UgxXaF
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 20, 2022Around 11:15am, they finally made it up and through the arch, live on the air. Thanks for sharing even more of your show with us, Brent (in for Pierre!)
Day #2 Mission: Relive Preston's Childhood
Did you know that the original route had Casey driving to Nashville first? It did! And he changed it to St. Louis because he thought that it would be find to scope out Preston’s childhood digs. Then a new plan formed.
In the early 80’s, Preston took the claves from his middle school music room. He kept them all these years and never once used them. So Casey took the instrument with him on the road trip to return to its rightful owner.
.@CaseyBoyCasey went to St. Louis to return the claves @prestonelliot stole in middle school. SURPRISE: Mr. Becker (@prestonelliot’s band teacher) showed up to intercept the return. pic.twitter.com/0Nl0LaeCzg
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 20, 2022There’s more. Casey arranged for Preston’s high school music teacher to be there during the exchange. To say that Preston was surprised is an understatement. This was his reaction:
.@prestonelliot’s reaction to seeing his old band teacher. #Surprise #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/HOiJkNEMeX
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 20, 2022It’s not over yet! The Parkway Central High School Marching Band played live on 93.3 WMMR:
Parkway Central High School Marching Band nailed this early morning performance on @933WMMR. @prestonelliot (class of '85) is still floored by the surprise. #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/LTRMqUZSuK
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 20, 2022Kyle, what state are you in now?
Leaving their mark along the way. In more ways than one.
The sign didn’t look complete until it got an MMR sticker. And hey, while you’re stopped….
Preston & Rachelle has raved about Steak ‘n Shake for years. Finally, finally someone else on the show got to try it – they only had to drive 700 miles!
Daaaaaaamn. This trip is full of good food so far. pic.twitter.com/NNCSY4uSqY
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 19, 2022Day 1: Travel Log Entry #1
Alright! 5 hours in and making great time! Only 3 pee breaks, one rain storm, and countless singalongs. Highlight of the day so far was singing “Rambling Man” with Jacky Bam Bam. WE CRUSHED IT! Currently looking for a gas station as we are dangerously close to running out of gas. Thinking about letting Jacky take the wheel after we stop to refuel.
What rain? Can’t even hear the windshield wipers over that guitar riff. #CaseysBigAndventure pic.twitter.com/CX2GSpVkRq
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 19, 2022The send off
With a little help from Union Fire Department & Positive Movement Drumline, we sent our travelers off in style.
The farewell
The entire Preston & Steve Show left the studio to give Casey, Jacky & Kyle a fond farewell!
Matt Ritter from Subaru was on site to give specs on the beautiful new Ascent, but that’s not all. He presented the crew with a National Parks Pass to gain access to any of the parks they might visit along the journey.
There’s more: Matt announced that Subaru would donate $1 to Camp Out For Hunger for ever mile that Casey, Jacky and Kyle drive along the route. That pledge was a complete surprise to all of us, and a reflection of the car company’s support of the event. Thank you, Subaru!
#CaseysBigAdventure will have a live soundtrack thanks to @thekylemaack. pic.twitter.com/9Xzoc7aFOq
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 19, 2022IT’S GO TIME. #CaseysBigAdventure pic.twitter.com/NbpDMQMdFB
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) September 19, 2022