Jacky BamBam Reviews Long Awaited Documentary: “Becoming Led Zeppelin” ☆☆☆☆☆
Finally stepped out into The Theaters to see Becoming Led Zeppelin!! Amazing to witness how these four giants of Rock and Roll all came together! Plus I got to see it with my musical brother Rockstar Rob of the MMArmy! … We may or may not have exchanged our Christmas gifts then, too! Lol… don’t judge.
Directed by Bernard MacMahon, this doc delves into the formation/early years of the iconic rockers and features interviews with Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones, as well as unreleased audio interviews with the late John Bonham. (Rest In Peace, Bonzo. We miss you!)
Watching how Led Zeppelin grew, developed and took over the world in a timespan of just two albums was remarkable. Now here’s the million-dollar question: Will there be a part two!? There must! The over two-hour documentary covered so much ground, like:
+ Jimmy Page and his remarkable number of ideas and textures for during the start and seeing him with the Tele he got from Jeff Beck.
+ How Bonzo’s wife didn’t want him to be in a band with Robert and thought he was a trouble maker. Robert Plant? A troublemaker? Nahhhh.
+ How John Paul Jones gave up being a studio musician to join a rock band. His parents were entertainers and passed along the beat…
+ So interesting to hear about Robert Plant’s truly humble (And rebellious) start!
I highly recommend you check out this movie that takes you from the beginning stages up to the release of Zeppelin 2. You’ll get the perspective, the band’s origins, highlights of their musical influences and early performances and so much more. Be sure to get your popcorn and forget the earplugs! Take it all in. This film was a whole lotta love. Five stars! 🍿🍿🍿
xoxoxo BamBam