The Drama Continues With Frances Bean’s Ex-Husband, Courtney Love
Perhaps we spoke too soon; maybe this whole Frances Bean Cobain divorce drama CAN reach new levels of bizarre.
After Frances’s mother, Courtney Love, was accused in a lawsuit from Frances’s ex-husband Isaiah Silva of being part of a conspiracy to murder Silva in order to obtain a guitar belonging to Kurt Cobain awarded to Silva in his divorce from Frances, Love is now being sued by Jessica Sullivan, who is the mother of a child from a previous relationship with Silva.
Per TMZ, Sullivan alleges that Love and her manager, Sam Lutfi, harassed and stalked Sullivan during the divorce proceedings between Frances and Silva. Various documents show that Sullivan lived with Silva and Frances temporarily at one point. The allegations range from Sullivan being threatened to take Frances’s side in the divorce, listing her dog on Craigslist in the “free” section and verbal threats on her life.
So far, there has been no comment or statement from Love or Frances on these disturbing updates. We will update this story when more information is available.
Erica Banas is a rock/classic rock blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.