Paul McCartney Playfully Blames Bruce Springsteen For This
Paul McCartney has a bone to pick with Bruce Springsteen, and we heard all about it in a new interview.
Sir Paul appeared on a new episode of Conan O’Brien’s podcast Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend. During the interview, Macca blamed The Boss for making him work harder on stage now than he did when he was a Beatle. Why? All of those marathon-length concerts Springsteen is known for!
McCartney says Springsteen “ruined it for everyone” as far as succinct concerts go. He noted, “We used to do a half-hour. That was the Beatles’ thing: half an hour and we got paid for it!”
The Springsteen Reddit has a list of his longest concerts. The longest ever was in Helsinki, Finland in July 2012, which ran for four hours and six minutes. In fact, Springsteen has performed four gigs that have lasted at least four hours. He’s also performed dozens of shows that have clocked in at over three-and-a-half hours.
McCartney’s new photo book 1964: Eyes of the Storm about The Beatles is available now via A trailer for the book is below.