Mashup Madness Game: play along at home!
If Hanson, Cyprus Hill and Motorhead together at a party is the Holy Grail, then getting all three in the studio to record a song would be the Ark of the Covenant. Never. Gonna. Happen. (even before Lemmy died… RIP)
Thanks to a bunch of DJs more talented than us they can create duets so crazy they never even cross our mind. These musical wizards can take two very different songs, from completely opposite genres and mash them together to create a perfectly melodic masterpiece.
Are you a music expert? Can you blindly name both songs in these mashups? Put your skills to the test with the Mashup Madness Game:
Special shout out to DJ Cummerbund for this pièce de résistance:
*DJ Cummerbund joins The Preston & Steve Show Wednesday morning at 8:20am, listen live on 93.3 WMMR, WMMR App or*