Preston & Steve try the Cheese Challenge
What is the Cheese Challenge? The latest internet prank that has adults throwing slices of cheese at their baby and recording it for social media (because video or it didn’t happen, right?)
Ummm, why? We’re not really sure, that’s why we decided to try it ourselves to decide if it’s silly and fun or down right offensive. (warning: if you’re already leaning towards the latter, let’s mutually agree to quit reading this now, thanks!)
Listen on today’s podcast, then watch below:
Attempt #1:
What we learned: Okay, it’s kinda fun. Stupid-silly-fun. But the challenge does not work with freshly sliced American Cheese, the key is the individually wrapped yellow kind. Preferably room temp.
One more #CheeseChallenge FAIL... 😵🧀
— The Preston & Steve Show (@PrestonSteve933) March 11, 2019
Attempt #2
The perfect cheese + the perfect baby smooth head = SUCCESS!!